Grantly managed the beginning of my music career from 1984 to 1996 after which he left the music business to carve out a very successful career with the NHS, rolling out new initiatives across the city and nationally. Which in turn has led to him creating "The Wheeler Street Project" where he and his team work with and engage with young people who may be affected by drug abuse, gangs and problems within the the education system.
He is an integral part of our community. He maintains and encourages high standards, integrity and is a great example of Pro Social Modelling to all who come into contact with him through his work and in his personal life.
Peter Spence
I feel that I have been given a chance, a chance to be me and to do something challenging but at the same time it give me so much joy. It all started in November last year when I was first introduced to Grantley. I was so shy as I was told who he manages and had seen some of his artists.
Over the course of time I found myself accomplishing things I never even thought were possible, with both my voice and the performing side of things. We even went to his studio a few times and in there we wrote songs and recorded them and when I listened back I was taken aback at the fact that it was me, but I soon came to my senses and started to look for areas of improvement. So above all I would like to say a massive thank you to Grantley for all that he has done because it really does matter and he genuinely cares so thank you
Miss Aliyah
Lucy developed an early belief in Grantley due to his honest, intelligent and polite approach. This view was quickly mirrored by us despite early natural parental concerns.
At our first meeting Grantley explained his various professional positions and offered to coach Lucy to perform at an upcoming Ball to be held by Wheeler Street. After conducting some research it was clear to us that Lucy was in a privileged position to be working with someone who had selflessly achieved such special things.
Grantleys sincerity was obvious to us from an early point allowing for easy and honest forms of communication by both parties.
Mr and Mrs Large (Parents of Lucy Tennyson)
Grantley, is a very hard working & ambitious person & a great manager. He has been a friend of mine for over 30 years. GT knows how to take care & appreciate his clients. He's very reliable, trusting, hard working and very thorough in everything he does in regards to his clients.
He is ice cool when operating under pressure and very good at handling situations, when most people would get flustered, Grantley is excellent at dealing with the matter at hand. On many occasions Grantley has gone above and beyond his duties & delivered beyond all expectations. I would recommend GT highly as he is simply great at what he does.
Tippa Irie
1st met GT back in the 80s, when he was working with Tippa Irie, Patto Banton, Peter Spence & many other great artist,
GT would call me up & we would go round to his recording studio & he would ask my advice, (being a radio presenter & DJ) on the tracks he was producing, hopefully I gave him the right advice.
Little Richie has now set up the 1st Youth Urban Internet Radio Station from Birmingham UK, TRYA RADIO part of The Real Youth Association & are pleased that GT & The Wheeler St Corporation are joining forces to work along side each other to help get our youths off the streets & on to radio.
GT is a person who will always talk his mind, he doesn't leave any grey areas, he is serious about his business & takes care of it & the people who are around it, he has always had time for me, even when I was just a teenager 1st starting out in my radio career he has always treated me equal with respect & manners.
GT is not just a business colleague he is a real friend who I believe I could trust with the most sensitive information or situation, he is a genuine man who will always have time for you he is very caring, emotional & has a BIG heart, he truly understands & cares.
Little Ritchie
I have known GT since I was 16 years old. He was not like the other youths in my community. He was friendly, but mostly thoughtful, disciplined and focussed. It didn’t take me long to realize that he was an intellectual with a strong vision to achieve big things in every avenue of life.
It was our shared love of music that eventually brought us together as friends and GT was always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone he thought worthy. He taught me not to waste too much time on “time wasters”, to “think about the future”, to “try and save something for a rainy day” and to “never stop learning!”He also helped me to learn how to drive, set up a bank account and many other lessons that were relevant to my practical progress in life.
Pato Banton
Three years ago I was returning to my friends house after going to the local shop and passed a bus parked up in the street.
We were approached by a man I now know as Grantley Haynes who was running a youth bus in the community After getting talking to Grantley we discussed my ambition of becoming a singer Grantley is not only my manager but also a very good friend and confident.
Grantley has shown and still shows that anything is possible with determination and that the only person to stop you for fulfilling your dreams is yourself. I would not be starting this journey without the drive . determination or work ethic of Grantley.
Lucy Tennyson
We were contacted early 2014 by Matt Flint from Yogurt Top asking us if we could arrange a meeting with GT. We immediately hit it off! A couple of weeks later we were at the studio recording our debut EP and making a plan for the coming year. We all know we have a great friendship and business partnership with GT.
When it comes to making deals GT's your man. The mans a genius when it come down to sorting something out. Not only does GT help the band but he helps us become great musicians, letting us lay things down for other band and working with different artists from the industry. GT had got a great knowledge in the music industry but he doesn't keep it to himself, he often shares it with us and helps us understand how and why things work.
Modern Minds
I have been working with Grantley from the age of 15. He has many many key strengths, one that real sticks out for me, is the ability to peal an onion! I say this because no matter how difficult or closed an individual is Grantley is always able to look into that human being. Unleashing their qualities that they may not have even acknowledged they had. He doesn’t start nothing he can’t finish, and he believes in change, he’s a man that believes in second chances.
He has helped towards the gain of my wisdom and the improvement of my music. I really have to hand it to Grantley, regardless of how busy he is he will do his best to not let anyone notice. He believes in balance and harmony; allowing him to deal with working under pressure really well. for instance, when doing my studio sessions not once have I ever felt rushed. However, this does not mean that targets are not met. Whatever targets have been discussed to meet before hand I can assure you they have been achieved.
I can only describe him as a rock in the time of desolation and despair. Through my career I had my ups and downs, especially with the business side of the industry. Grantley seemed to ‘pop’ in and out more or less at the right times, always ready to give important and valuable advice. He has a very high level of understanding, interest and concern for artists. He has the ability to develop and improve any type of situation.
His return to the music industry is a must and a blessing, especially for me. I count myself extremely lucky to be a member of his camp. Each day that I rise I feel the tremendous trust and belief that he has in me which in turn, gives me the encouragement and the courage to excel in this tough and unpredictable industry.
Sandra Cross